Book Description The first ever Lonely Planet guidebook was stapled together at a kitchen table. We're keeping that spirit alive with CUSTOM guides - sections of our most popular books combined to fit your trip. Northern Italy If you want it delicious, Italy can satisfy the eyes, the stomach and the soul - but it's a big country to get to grips with. Made up of chapters from Lonely Planet's Italy, this guidebook covers the north, from Piedmont's truffle forests and Barolo vineyards to la...
Book Description The first ever Lonely Planet guidebook was stapled together at a kitchen table. We're keeping that spirit alive with CUSTOM guides - sections of our most popular books combined to fit your trip. Northern Italy If you want it delicious, Italy can satisfy the eyes, the stomach and the soul - but it's a big country to get to grips with. Made up of chapters from Lonely Planet's Italy, this guidebook covers the north, from Piedmont's truffle forests and Barolo vineyards to lakeside resorts in Lombardy and the arcaded walkways of Turin. Getting hungry? Then this is the CUSTOM guide for you. This book includes: * Detailed coverage of Northern Italy's top spots - Venice and the Veneto, Milan, Lombardy & the Lakes, Liguria & Piedmont, Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia * A guide to Italian art, history and culture * An all-important chapter on Italian food and drink * Maps and practical information, from banking to bookings * Transport details - how to get there and how cute you'll look on a Vespa * A language chapter so you can say more than 'ciao!' This CUSTOM guide is made up of the following chapters: Getting Started Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 History Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Italian Art Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Culture Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Food & Drink Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 The Veneto Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Trentino-Alto Adige Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Lombardy & the Lakes Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Liguria, Piedmont & Valle d'Aosta Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Directory Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Transportation Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Language Italy 8th edition, Feb 2008 Книга «ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ» авторов А. Б. Калинина, Б. И. Чернов оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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