Breaking a silence of fifteen years William Horwood returns to his hallmark fantasy. The beginning of an epic new series Hyddenworld:Spring is a quest-story on a vast canvas, with a cast of unforgettable characters whose loves, fears and courage lead us on a journey of deep feeling and epic ideas to the very edges of the universe. Set in the world we know and the one we have forgotten, the journey begins here… Книга «Hyddenworld: Spring» автора Уильям Хорвуд оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её ч...
Breaking a silence of fifteen years William Horwood returns to his hallmark fantasy. The beginning of an epic new series Hyddenworld:Spring is a quest-story on a vast canvas, with a cast of unforgettable characters whose loves, fears and courage lead us on a journey of deep feeling and epic ideas to the very edges of the universe. Set in the world we know and the one we have forgotten, the journey begins here… Книга «Hyddenworld: Spring» автора Уильям Хорвуд оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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