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Headway is a multi-level course for adults and young adults who want to use English both accurately and fluently. Grammar and vocabulary are taught and explained thoroughly, and all four language skills are systematically developed. The Headway series combines traditional methods of language teaching and more recent communicative approaches. Together, Headway Intermediate and Headway Upper-Intermediate bring the student up to the level of Cambridge First Certificate. Headway Advanced can be used...

Headway is a multi-level course for adults and young adults who want to use English both accurately and fluently. Grammar and vocabulary are taught and explained thoroughly, and all four language skills are systematically developed. The Headway series combines traditional methods of language teaching and more recent communicative approaches. Together, Headway Intermediate and Headway Upper-Intermediate bring the student up to the level of Cambridge First Certificate. Headway Advanced can be used in preparation for the Cambridge Proficiency examination.
John and Liz Soars have many years of experience as teachers and teacher trainers. Both have worked at International House, London, and Liz was one of the chief examiners of the Cambridge/RSA Dip TEFL.
Each level of Headway provides approximately 120 hours of teaching. Key features of Headway Advanced include:
Analysis and practice of advanced grammar points within each unit, supported by further, more detailed explanation in the Grammar section at the back of the book.
Reading and listening material selected from a wide variety of sources, including nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature.
Extensive vocabulary work, with particular focus on synonyms and their associations. The Workbook contains a syllabus for multi-word verbs and idioms. Книга «Headway. Student's Book. Advanced» авторов Джон Сорз, Лиз Сорз оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
Для бесплатного просмотра предоставляются: аннотация, публикация, отзывы, а также файлы для скачивания.

  • Просмотров: 396
  • Рецензий: 0
Информация об издании
  • Переводчики: не указаны
  • Серия: Headway
  • ISBN (EAN): 0-19-433563-1
  • Языки: Русский
  • Возрастное ограничение: не указано
  • Год написания: 2001

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Литературная критика
Поэзия. Учебник
Поэзия. Учебник

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Литература на английском языке
Alice in Wonderland: Level 2
Alice in Wonderland: Level 2

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Fahrenheit 451: Intermediate / 451 градус по Фаренгейту. Средний уровень. Книга для чтения

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Биология. 9 класс. Учебник
Биология. 9 класс. Учебник

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Школьные учебники
New Headway English Course. Upper-Intermediate. Teacher's Book
New Headway English Course. Upper-Intermediate. Teacher's Book

New Headway English Course takes the successful Headway series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. Learners at the upper-interme...

Школьные учебники
New Headway English Course: Elementary: Student's Book
New Headway English Course: Elementary: Student's Book

"New Headway English Course" is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help st...

Иностранные языки
Headway. Pre-Intermediate. Student`s Book
Headway. Pre-Intermediate. Student`s Book

`Headway` is a multi-level course for adults and young adults who want to use English both accurately and fluently. Grammar and vocabulary are taught and explained thoroughly, and all four language skills are developed systematically .The `Headway` series combines traditional methods of language teaching and more recent communicative approaches. `Headway Pre-Intermediate` is a second-year coursebo...

Школьные учебники
New Headway English Course: Intermediate: Student's Book
New Headway English Course: Intermediate: Student's Book

New Headway English Course takes the successful Headway series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult intermediate students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. This new intermedia...

Школьные учебники
New Headway English Course. Intermediate. Workbook with Key
New Headway English Course. Intermediate. Workbook with Key

`New Headway English Course` takes the successful `Headway` series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult intermediate students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. This new inter...

Английский язык
New Headway Video Elementary: Student's Book
New Headway Video Elementary: Student's Book

New Headway Video Elementary is the second level of the New Headway Video series and contains six more episodes in the lives of Helen, David, Jane and Matt. In this video find out what happens when a new neighbour comes to Jane's rescue, Matt has girlfriend trouble, David has a dinner disaster on his hands, and Helen has to buy an expensive dress - fast! Each episode provides clearly defined ...

Школьные учебники
New Headway English Course. Pre-Intermediate. Student's Book
New Headway English Course. Pre-Intermediate. Student's Book

"New Headway English Course" is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners. The course com bines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help s...

Школьные учебники
New Headway English Course
New Headway English Course

New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help stud...

Английский язык
New Headway English Course: Upper-Intermediate: Workbook with Key
New Headway English Course: Upper-Intermediate: Workbook with Key

New Headway English Course takes the successful Headway series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. Learners at the upper-intermediat...

Английский язык
New Headway Pronunciation Elementary: Student's Practice Book
New Headway Pronunciation Elementary: Student's Practice Book

New Headway Elementary Pronunciation Course is a practical and imaginative addition to the New Headway English Course. Its aim is to help students' listening and speaking through training in the key areas of pronunciation. These key areas include the production of individual sounds, word and sentence stress, and intonation. The course consists of a Student's Practice Book, which is av...