A diabolical monster has transformed Ruhenheim, a little village nestled in the German countryside, into hell on earth - and his name is Johan. Tenma, Grimmer and Inspector Lunge try desperately to stem the flow of carnage as Nina steels herself for a final confrontation with her twin brother. Will Johan's madness succeed in snuffing out the lives of everyone who's ever known him? All questions are answered in the thrilling, pulse-pounding conclusion to Naoki Urasawa's Monster, one of the most e...
A diabolical monster has transformed Ruhenheim, a little village nestled in the German countryside, into hell on earth - and his name is Johan. Tenma, Grimmer and Inspector Lunge try desperately to stem the flow of carnage as Nina steels herself for a final confrontation with her twin brother. Will Johan's madness succeed in snuffing out the lives of everyone who's ever known him? All questions are answered in the thrilling, pulse-pounding conclusion to Naoki Urasawa's Monster, one of the most exciting manga series of all time! Книга «Naoki Urasawa's Monster, Volume 18: Scenery for a Doomsday» автора Наоки Урасава оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.40 из 10.
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