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Deltora quest

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City of the Rats
City of the Rats

Lief, Barda, and Jasmine - three companions with nothing in common but their hatred of the enemy - are on a perilous quest to recapture the seven lost gems of the magic Belt of Deltora. Only when the Belt is complete can the evil Shadow Lord be overthrown. They have succeeded in finding the golden topaz and the great ruby. The two gems' mysterious powers have strengthened them and given the...

Dread Mountain
Dread Mountain

The international bestselling series returns for a new generation with a fresh look and bonus content from the legends of Deltora. The Shadow Lord dominates the Land of Deltora. Only Lief, Barda, and Jasmine can save it from his evil powers. To do this, they must restore all seven gems to the magic Belt of Deltora. Four gems have been found. Now grave news has reached Lief from his home. He lon...

The Lake of Tears
The Lake of Tears

Lief, Barda, and their unpredictable new companion Jasmine are on an urgent mission to find the seven stones stolen from the magic Belt of Deltora. The golden topaz has already been found. But only when all the stones have been restored to the Belt can their land be freed from the dark power of the evil Shadow Lord. To find the second stone, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine must travel through territory...

The Shifting Sands
The Shifting Sands

When the seven gems of the magic Belt of Deltora were stolen, the evil Shadow Lord invaded the kingdom and enslaved its people. Determined to rid their land of the tyrant, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine are on a dangerous quest to find the lost gems, which are hidden in fearsome places throughout the kingdom. They have found three gems. Now they must seek the fourth, hidden in a shimmering, barren was...

The Valley of the Lost
The Valley of the Lost

Lief, Barda, and Jasmine have almost reached their goal. Six gems gleam in the Belt of Deltora. Now the last one must be found before Deltora can be freed from the evil Shadow Lord. The companions have faced many terrors before. But the worst is yet to come. They are about to confront dark mysteries that strength and courage alone cannot defeat. If they fail, their quest will be destroyed... and ...

Return to Del
Return to Del

The seven lost gems have been restored to the Belt of Deltora. Now Lief, Barda, and Jasmine must find the heir to the kingdom's throne. They know that only the true heir can use the Belt's magic to overthrow the evil Shadow Lord. But the heir has been in deepest hiding from birth and only the Belt can reveal the hiding place. Shock follows shock as the Deltora quest rushes to its thund...

Secrets of Deltora
Secrets of Deltora

"This book was written by Doran the Dragonlover, on a fateful journey around Deltora during a tumultuous time in our history. The book is part journal, part travel guide. Into it, Doran poured much of his great knowledge of the land he liked to call 'The Land of Dragons'." - Lief of Del Although an explorer, not a writer, Doran is compelled to undertake the great task of introducing th...

Tales of Deltora
Tales of Deltora

Where did the mysterious Shadow Lord come from? How did his seven ferocious Ak-Baba come to be? The secrets are revealed at last! Return to Deltora - land of magic and monsters - in a new special edition that finally reveals the truth about the battles and the bloodlines that forged a universe full of adventure. Includes bonus artwork by Marc McBride - twenty-three stunning illustrations in full...

The Maze of the Beast
The Maze of the Beast

The international bestselling series returns for a new generation with a fresh look and bonus content from the legends of Deltora. Deltora is a land of monsters and magic. The evil Shadow Lord has become aware that Lief, Barda, and Jasmine are searching for the seven lost gems of the magic Belt of Deltora. He knows that the Belt's power will threaten his terrifying rule if the gems can be ret...

The Shadowlands
The Shadowlands

In order to defeat the Shadow Lord in his own domain, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine must capture the final part of the Pirran Pipe on the emerald isle of Keras. Risk and challenge await. Can the Pipe be made whole? Will its ancient magic still prevail against the enemy's sorcery? Are Lief, Barda, and Jasmine walking into a trap? Filled with doubt, they move on, knowing that their quest must end in th...

Cavern of the Fear
Cavern of the Fear

Welcome to the Shadowlands - the terrifying and mysterious domain of the evil Shadow Lord. He has gone there to refuel his dark sorcery, taking thousands of Deltoran hostages with him. They will become slaves to darkness . . . unless they are saved. To rescue them, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine must find a weapon powerful enough to combat the Shadow Lord's magic on his own ground. Terrifying mon...

Dragon's Nest
Dragon's Nest

В книге кандидата исторических наук капитана 1 ранга О. Г. Чемесова «В глубинах Баренцева моря» рассказывается о замечательных подвигах подводников-североморцев в годы Великой Отечественной воины, о блистательных ударах по врагу экипажей подводных лодок, возглавляемых М. А. Бибеевым, Г. К. Васильевым, И. Ф. Кучеренко, Н. Г. Столбовым и другими прославленными мастерами торпедных атак, об отваге и в...

Isle of the Dead
Isle of the Dead

Это первая книга Далай Ламы, которая была переведена на русский язык и издана в России. Она содержит двадцать лекций прочитанных им в период 1979-1981 гг., во время его визитов в США и Канаду, в переводе В. П. Андросова. Многие из глав этой книги уже долгое время гуляют по интернету в виде отдельных текстов (Четыре благородные истины, Карма, Медитация, Восемь строф упражняющих ум, Путь к просветле...

The Deltora Book of Monsters
The Deltora Book of Monsters

Here, gathered together for the first time, are many of the terrifying creatures that lurk Deltora's waters, patrol its skies, and prowl its forests, mountains, and deserts. From the haunting Soldeen of the Lake of Tears to the ancient seven breeds of Dragon, these secret chronicles tell of the mysterious, deadly, and captivating monsters encountered over the centuries by Deltorans both bra...

The Sister of the South
The Sister of the South

With the aid of Deltora's last dragons, Lief, Barda, and Jasmine have destroyed three of the Four Sisters, evil Shadow Lord creations that are poisoning their land. Their quest will end in the city of Del, where the Sister of the South lies hidden. Del is Lief, Barda, and Jasmine's home, but it has changed while they have been gone. Fear now stalks the streets, treachery lurks behind sm...


Планета Джунглей… Огненный Файр… Бескрайние океаны Сориссы… Бесконечный калейдоскоп миров – огромная игрушка для курсанта Джоя Ива, юного и восторженного стажера галактической «Ассоциации Свободного Поиска», – и тяжелый, скучный труд для капитана Рэджинальда Гардона. Однако неожиданно Рэджинальду поступает предложение, больше похожее на ультиматум. Спецслужбы приказывают ему отправиться на смертел...

Детская литература
The Isle of Illusion
The Isle of Illusion

Lief, Barda, and Jasmine are desperately searching for the three parts of the fabled Pirran Pipe, their only hope of saving the thousands of Deltorans held captive by the evil Shadow Lord. As their loved ones left behind in Del struggle in a thickening web of rumor, suspicion, and treachery, the companions move on to the mysterious island of Auron. They have been warned that terrible dangers aw...