Paul Gulacy - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Comic Book Artist Collection, Vol. 3, Batman: Terror, The Thing From Another World: Eternal Vows. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
It's the '70s Marvel Monster Marching Society versus the Independent Comics of the '80s in the Eisner Award-winning CBA's third compilation, re-presenting that acclaimed mag's seventh and eighth sold-out issues. Behind a new cover by Michael T. Gilbert - featuring his great creation Mr. Monster doing battle with various Marvel monsters - you'll find interviews with G...
A disturbing drama of fear and horror, BATMAN: TERROR chronicles one of the Dark Knight's earliest encounters with the psychotic Scarecrow. As Batman pursues the elusive Catwoman, the Scarecrow enters into an unholy alliance with the unbalanced Hugo Strange and enacts a terrifying plan. Using the feline fatale and the romantic attraction that she shares with the Dark Knight, the twisted villa...
Police Sgt. Rowan arrives at Wallace Harbour from mainland New Zealand to investigate a baffling series of murders on isolated Stewart Island, and is sickened by what he finds. What Rowan will soon discover is that The Thing from Another World has finally made a beachhead on the doorstep to our civilized world, seeking out new flesh and ready to wreak the necessary havoc to get it.
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