Джефф Паркер - автор 55 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Халк. Выжженная земля, Люди Икс. Первый класс. Том 1, Аквамен. Книга 4. Море бурь. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Время безумия для Красного Халка закончилось. Теперь он должен доказать, что тоже может стать героем. Его первое задание - остановить программу "Выжженная земля", которую М.О.Д.О.К. и Лидер запустили, чтобы уничтожить планету. Ему помогают Халк и А-Бомба, но сможет ли новый гамма-силач Marvel остановить надвигающуюся катастрофу?
Циклоп, Джина Грей, Зверь, Человек-Лед, Ангел - знаменитые Люди Икс! Эту великолепную пятерку когда-то собрал Профессор Хавьер в свою первую команду. Какими они были, когда только поступили в Институт Хавьера и еще не умели управлять своими сверхсилами? Циклоп мог случайно прожечь дыру в стене, Ангел каждую минуту пытался взмыть в небо и улететь, а Джина силой мысли с трудом передвигала предметы (...
Народ Атлантиды не слишком доволен царствованием Аквамена. А люди со своим неуемным любопытством, похоже, только тем и заняты, что пробуждают к жизни давно уснувших чудовищ и открывают двери в давно забытые бездны. Мир поверхности полнится голодными монстрами, в морских глубинах зреет заговор, и Аквамен разрывается между двумя своими родинами, пытаясь примирить непримиримое. Ему приходится противо...
Артур Карри, Аквамен, – признанный царь Атлантиды. Но кроме законов престолонаследования есть и другие. Может ли полукровка действительно править легендарным царством? И в этом сомневаются не только жители Атлантиды, но, похоже, даже сам континент. Стоит Артуру приблизиться к своему царству, как море начинает содрогаться. Чтобы спасти свой дом и сохранить трон, Артур должен выяснить, почему Атлант...
Циклоп, Джина Грей, Зверь, Человек-Лед, Ангел - знаменитые Люди Икс! Эту великолепную пятерку когда-то собрал Профессор Хавьер в свою первую команду. В этом томе читателей ждут новые подвиги Людей Икс, ранее неизвестные! Джина Грей вступит в Фантастическую Четверку и сразится с ужасными роботами Безумного Мудреца, Зверь и Человек-Лед отправятся покорять казино Лас-Вегаса, а затем вся команда прил...
A return to the acclaimed universe created by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert picks up as THE SPIDER has reached manhood in the New World! The young nation has grown peacefully, but Norman Osbourne's treachery fi nds a way to spoil the peace and put Peter's life on a new course-back to Europe. Jeff Parker (Agents of Atlas) joins artist Ramon Rosanas in the final story of the 1602 saga!
Short tales of Batman by a variety of top talents from the world of comics and beyond.
Странны дела творились в Англии в 1602 году. Появились люди с таинственной силой: одним она была дана от рождения, их прозвали "Ведьмино Племя"; другие попали в поле невиданной энергии; а кого-то просто укусил паук. К последним относится и юный Питер Паркуа, который после укуса открыл в себе новые способности.
The highly popular Batman television series starring Adam West as the Dark Knight and Burt Ward as the Boy Wonder re-emerges in comic book form!
Inhuman cocoons begin appearing worldwide and Bruce Banner is sure he has the cure - but when Hank Pym, Iron Man and Beast confront the frustrated scientist, they discover just how deep his rage can go. As one of his lab assistants falls to the Terrigen Mists, the enraged Banner has one last chance to prevent Terrigenesis - but the Hulk has unleashed a menace even worse than the Mists, and it'...
It's all-ages action starring the Golden Avenger! During a surveillance mission at Stark HQ, Iron Man meets his Russian counterpart - the Titanium Man! Then, when the evil Mandarin seeks the key to immortality, Iron Man teams up with fellow Avengers Spider-Man, Ant-Man and the Hulk to stop him! Plus, Iron Man and Nova must find a way to work together to defeat the Red Ghost and his Super-Apes...
Back to the Swingin' 60s as DC Comics reimagines the classic Batman TV series in comics form. These all-new stories portray The Caped Crusader, The Boy Wonder and their fiendish rogues gallery just the way viewers remember them. In this volume, the Dynamic Duo team-up with Barbara Gordon to take on The Bookworm, a deranged zombie creating Professor, The Queen of Diamonds, Lord Death Man and...
See the Agents of Atlas do battle with some of Marvel's most powerful teams! First, Venus has been kidnapped and intel suggests that there's only one machine that can help - cerebra - which brings the Agents of Atlas head-to-head with no less than the X-MEN! Then,spacetime is being selectively eroded by an unknown force. To stop the effect, the Agents seek the help of the Avengers -and f...
The spy. The spaceman. The goddess. The robot. The Gorilla. During the late 1950s, the U.S. government allowed FBI Special Agent Jimmy Woo to forge a team of unlikely heroes. Together, they stormed the fortress of a criminal mastermind to rescue President Eisenhower - but the group disbanded soon after. Now, almost 50 years later, an unauthorized S.H.I.E.L.D. mission goes down in flames - and from...
Manhattan is gripped in violent panic. Peter Parker has not slept in days. Abandoning his friends and family, Spider-Man cannot...WILL not...stop if there are people to be saved. But as the opening salvos of Fear Itself take their violent toll, will Spidey have what it takes to fight his own doubts? Then: Ben Grimm, one of the most beloved heroes in the Marvel Universe, is now the willing avatar o...
Heroes are being pulled out of the worlds they know - The Beast. The Witch. Panther. Forge. Polaris. All find themselves in a place out of time with a new mission in life. But something seems to have shifted in the mechanics of the universe, and things may not be quite what we remember. But one thing we know for certain - BLINK is BACK! Collects Exiles #1-5.
When the Fear Itself hammer falls, the raft is destroyed by one of its most powerful prisoners with a newfound weapon of the gods! Hundreds of the most powerful criminals in the world are now on the loose. But their threat is nothing compared to that of the one man who was already unstoppable, and now wields godlike power. Now the Thunderbolts will begin to learn the true meaning of FEAR ITSELF!
What plans has the Red Hulk been hiding from everyone? And what does all of this have to do with the Cosmic Hulk robot? This tale by Jeff Parker and Carlos Rodrigues reveals all!
With the Thunderbolts lost in time, a new group steps in to replace them: the Dark Avengers! Featuring Dark Scarlet Witch, Dark Spider-Man, Trickshot, Ragnarok ... and Luke Cage? But as the T-Bolts battle Dr. Doom in the past for the fate of the future, Cage learns of the Dark Avengers' deadly new mission - and Skaar, son of Hulk, discovers the team's secret agenda! As the Dark Avengers' operation...
At the request of Steve Rogers, Luke Cage must lead his hardened team into battle to deal with a doomsday scenario unleashed in the pages of HULK! With the squad a man short, Cage recruits another prisoner to duty - and his pick will shock you! Will the Thunderbolts accept this new member, or will this heavy-duty wildcard tip the balance of power? Plus: An old friend breaks the Man-Thing out of th...
Her mother was a heroine, her father a rampaging Hulk! What path is the savage She-Hulk called Lyra on, and why has it led her to add her might to the Wizard's Frightful Four?
It's a new era for Marvel's always evolving, always controversial team! The most dangerous people on Earth are now all in one hellish prison, and the only way out is through rehabilitation and contribution to society via The Thunderbolts... under the leadership of the steel-hardskinned Avenger named Luke Cage! So bring on the first participants: Juggernaut! Crossbones! Ghost! Moonstone! ...
When global threats surface, they have to contend with the combined might of: Captain America, Storm, Iron Man, The Hulk, Giant-Girl, Wolverine and Spider-Man! Still, powers higher-up think their new computerized defenses will be even MORE reliable than our heroes. (Just wish they hadn't named the system ULTRON...!)
As the hammer-wielders continue their campaign of fear and terror, red Hulk takes up arms against the newly deifi ed Ben Grimm, the FF's Thing! it's bruiser versus bruiser as two of the world's strongest battle it out in an all-out brawl that will shake the world! And no one is watching this closer than M.O.D.O.K.! Plus: Omegex, a deadly force from beyond the far reaches of space, has awakened, an...