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Автор - Arikawa Hiro
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Творчество Arikawa Hiro

На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Arikawa Hiro. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Library Revolution
Library Revolution

Toshokan Sensou tells the story of Kasahara Iku, the first woman to join the Library Task Force. In the near future in Japan, the Media Enhancement Law has been forced upon the population censoring all books and media. To counter this, the Library Defense Force was created. To protect themselves against the Media Enhancement Law Commission, all major libraries are fully equipped with a military Ta...

Library wars
Library wars

Toshokan Sensou tells the story of Kasahara Iku, the first woman to join the Library Task Force. In the near future in Japan, the Media Enhancement Law has been forced upon the population censoring all books and media. To counter this, the Library Defense Force was created. To protect themselves against the Media Enhancement Law Commission, all major libraries are fully equipped with a military Ta...

Library Crisis
Library Crisis

Toshokan Sensou tells the story of Kasahara Iku, the first woman to join the Library Task Force. In the near future in Japan, the Media Enhancement Law has been forced upon the population censoring all books and media. To counter this, the Library Defense Force was created. To protect themselves against the Media Enhancement Law Commission, all major libraries are fully equipped with a military Ta...

Современная проза
Rändava kassi kroonikad
Rändava kassi kroonikad

See poeetiline, haruldase õrnuse ja huumoriga kirjutatud lugu, mis leiab aset Jaapani vahelduvate aastaaegade taustal, pakub põnevust ja jutustab kaasahaaravalt kõikvõimalikest elus ette tulevatest ootamatutest olukordadest ja juhtumistest. See räägib sõpruse ja üksinduse väärtusest ja äratundmisest, millal võtta ja millal anda. „Rändava kassi kroonikate“ sõnum on, et iga armastusest kantud tegu –...

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