На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Jonathan Rice. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Now in its 9th edition, this established pop-music reference book contains information on every hit single in Britain since the charts began in 1952, including title, artist, label, catalogue number, number of weeks in the charts, and highest position. All entries are listed under both artist names and song titles. The facts and feats section has been expanded to highlight facts such as the most f...
Following on from the hugely successful Best After-Dinner Sports Tales, yet more rousing stories from the after-dinner speaking circuit, from some of the biggest names in sport as well as celebrities from the world of entertainment.The book will take a look at the cricket world, with stories from Australia, West Indies, South Africa, New Zealand and the sub-continent, and go on to cover many other...
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