На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора William Connors. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Beware the darkness, for it is alive with the dead! Now, the nights of Ravenloft are more horrifying than ever. You'll find out why in the pages within. Follow Dr. Rudolph Van Richten, Ravenloft's leading authority on the supernatural, as he reveals how to hunt the ghosts that lurk in the blackest shadows of midnight. For countless years, Van Richten has traveled the misty roads of Ravenloft on...
Once again, the undead arise to terrify AD&D game characters everywhere with the aid of this, the second in a series of works detailing the most dreadful and evil creatures imaginable. This compilation contains the complete texts of Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts, Van Richten's Guide to the Lich, and Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead, updated and usable in any AD&D campaign.
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