Чарльз М. Шульц - автор 40 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ночь была тёмная и ненастная, Снупи, Эта собачья жизнь, Снупи, Мир не тесен,Чарли Браун. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Что будет, если нарисовать двенадцать детей, полдюжины жёлтых птичек и одного смышлёного пса? Получится, пожалуй, самый известный комикс на планете! Мы с радостью открываем для читателей Peanuts - творение художника Чарльза М.Шульца. Это название сложно перевести на русский язык. То ли дело в том, что круглоголовые герои внешне похожи на арахис в скорлупе, то ли в том, что они маленькие, то ли это...
Чарли Браун и его друзья: Снупи, Пепперминт Патти, Марси, Лайнус, Люси, Шрёдер, - вновь с нами! Настоящая дружба длится всю жизнь, и нет ничего её крепче. Для настоящего друга ты ринешься и в огонь и в воду, а он придёт тебе на помощь и днём и ночью. А вот что такое дружба человека и собаки? Можно ли проверить её на прочность? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы вы получите, прочитав очередную книгу к...
Жизнь редко поворачивается светлой стороной к Чарли Брауну. Неприятности буквально преследуют героя: коварное дерево поглощает его воздушного змея, в почтовом ящике ни единой «валентинки», карьера тренера бейсбольной команды не заладилась... Но, к счастью, его всегда готовы приободрить Снупи, Лайнус, Пепперминт Патти и остальные друзья! А это значит, что в итоге всё будет хорошо и мир ему улыбнётс...
Празднование годовщины произведения Чарльза М. Шульца. В честь 65-летия «Снупи и его друзей» известные комиксисты со всего мира собрались вместе, чтобы выразить свою любовь к Чарльзу М. Шульцу, по-своему интерпретируя и стилизуя мир «Снупи». В сборник вошли работы следующих авторов: Майк Оллред,Арт Балтазар, Пейдж Брэддок, Меган Брэннан, Фрэнк Каммусо, Джим Кэмпбелл, Дерек Чарм, Коллин Кувер, П...
The New York Times best-selling series continues! As the 1950s close down, Peanuts definitively enters its golden age. Linus, who had just learned to speak in the previous volume, becomes downright eloquent and even
This first volume, covering the first two and a quarter years of the strip, will be of particular fascination to Peanuts aficionados worldwide: Although there have been literally hundreds of Peanuts books published, many of the strips from the series' first two or three years have never been collected before - in large part because they showed a young Schulz working out the kinks in his new s...
As Peanuts concludes its first decade, a new character makes her appearance: Charlie Brown's little sister Sally. This volume covers her earliest days, from her proud brother's announcement of her birth to her first words (and crush on Linus)! Also: the initial 'Great Pumpkin' sequence; Lucy's first appearance as a nickel psychiatrist; Linus's short-lived and on...
Our second volume is packed with intriguing developments, as Schulz continues to create his tender and comic universe. It begins with Peanuts' third full year and a cast of eight: Charlie Brown, Shermy, Patty, Violet, Schroeder, Lucy, the recently-born Linus, and Snoopy. By the end of 1954, Pigpen and his dust cloud join the crowd. Linus, who still doesn't speak, begins to emerge as one ...
The third volume in Canongate's acclaimed series arrives with a specially commissioned introduction from The Simpsons' Matt Groening. This beautiful new edition takes us into the mid-1950s as Linus learns to talk, Snoopy begins to explore his eccentricities, Lucy's unrequited crush on Schroeder takes final shape, and Charlie Brown becomes. Well, even more Charlie Brownish.
This beautiful album will dazzle fans of Charles M. Schulz and his art, providing an unprecedented look at the work of the most brilliant and beloved cartoonist of the twentieth century. Here is the whole gang–Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Snoopy, Peppermint Patty, Schroeder, Pig-Pen, and all the others from the original Peanuts strips. More than five hundred comic strips are reproduced, as well ...
These collector’s editions perfectly recreate the original look and feel of the best-loved Peanuts books—their paper, their ink, even their lamination. And of course, the heartwarming content that charmed the world, sold millions, and launched the career of Charles M. Schulz remains untouched. On every spread there’s a tiny tidbit of wisdom from one of the gang, along with one of Schulz’s irresist...
As The Complete Peanuts reaches its halfway point, Snoopy's family suddenly expands, adding a brother (Spike), a sister (Belle), and even a nephew. Also in this volume, the Linus/Snoopy/Truffles love triangle, Peppermint Patty's Powder Puff Derby and obedience-school fiascos, Charlie Brown's meeting with his idol Joe Shlabotnik, Marcie's unwanted suitor, and the final fate of t...
In The Complete Peanuts: 1995-1996 (Vol. 24), the penultimate volume of the bestselling series, Charlie Brown gets caught up in a fake celebrity autographs racket, Rerun gets accused of sexual harassment, the infamous 'Crybaby' Boobie returns, Snoopy's brothers go on a quest to find Mickey Mouse, Snoopy gets his driving licence, Rerun continues to pursue the underground arts, Linus ...
In this volume of The Complete Peanuts, Charlie Brown, found guilty by the EPA of dentally assaulting the Kite-Eating Tree, goes on the lam and ends up coaching the diminutive 'Goose Eggs' baseball team. New characters include the doghouse-dicing neighbour cat and the talking schoolhouse - plus tennis fun with Snoopy and two more newcomers, the cantankerous Molly Volley and 'Crybaby...
Peanuts Lunchtime Cookbook
Volume 25 of The Complete Peanuts presents the very final year of the defining comic strip of the 20th century, which ran for nearly 18,000 strips and for 50 years after its debut in 1950. This masterpiece includes all of 1999 through to the final strip on 13 February 2000. In this volume, Rerun takes centre stage and cements himself as the last great Peanuts character - when he embarks on a caree...
This volume of The Complete Peanuts features the long, surprisingly dramatic sequence in which a grievously ill Charlie Brown checks himself into a hospital while his friends worry. But the rest of the stories in this, the final volume from the 1970s, are far less sombre, as Snoopy launches his 'bird scout' treks, Peppermint Patty gets leaked on at school and sues - plus one of the great...
The beginning of an extraordinary project: 50 years of art PEANUTS is the most popular comic strip in the history of the world. Its characters - Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, Schroeder, and so many more - have become dearly loved icons for generation after generation. Now Charles Schulz's classic, PEANUTS, will be reprinted in its entirety for the first time. In these beautifully produc...
The Complete Peanuts marches into the 1980s as Snoopy's brother Spike is drafted into the Infantry and a second brother, 'Marbles', takes his bow. Also in this volume, Peppermint Patty witnesses the 'butterfly miracle', Sally gets fat, Charlie Brown's team loses its baseball field, Linus is still not Sally's 'Sweet Babboo', more Beagle Scout adventures ...
Book Description The Peanuts gang is here for all the holidays! For the first time five Peanuts holiday classics are together in one volume! Enjoy the Peanuts charm and Schulz's heartfelt lessons as Charlie Brown muddles
While the 50-year run of the Peanuts newspaper strip is obviously the heart and soul of Charles Schulz's career, he also created a large amount of Peanuts material that didn't run in the strip. This bonus 26th volume of The Complete Peanuts collects all of Schulz's non-strip related Peanuts art: storybooks, comic book stories, single-panel gags, advertising art, book illustrations, ...