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Автор - Javier Barreno

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Творчество Javier Barreno

На нашем сайте представлены 2 книги автора Javier Barreno. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Crossed: Wish You Were Here – Volume 1
Crossed: Wish You Were Here – Volume 1

A contagion―or a curse―has decimated the planet. Marked with a bloody cross, the Infected are driven to indulge their sickest desires. In this world of psychos, savages, and sexual predators, the few remaining uninfected learn to keep moving: endlessly fleeing fate. This is the story of those who refused. Those who are too desperate, too angry, or too broken to hide from horror. It’s the story of ...

Crossed Volume 2: Family Values
Crossed Volume 2: Family Values

David Lapham, the critically acclaimed creator of the gritty "Stray Bullets" series, delivers a tale so twisted, so shocking; it more than earns its place next to the original runaway bestseller, "Crossed Volume 1", by superstar writer Garth Ennis! A global outbreak has turned the populace to homicidal maniacs...but some people were just born evil. The surviving Pratt family confronts t...