На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Сонни Лью. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Meet Charlie Chan Hock Chye. Now in his early 70s, Chan has been making comics in his native Singapore since 1954, when he was a boy of 16. As he looks back on his career over five decades, we see his stories unfold before us in a dazzling array of art styles and forms, their development mirroring the evolution in the political and social landscape of his homeland and of the comic book medium...
Legendary scribe PAUL LEVITZ (LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, JSA) and acclaimed illustrator SONNY LIEW (MY FAITH IN FRANKIE) introduce the DC Universe to an entirely new incarnation of Doctor Fate! In modern-day Brooklyn, Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, has called up a great flood in order to cleanse the world. If left unchecked, his magic has the power to wash all of humanity away. To turn ...
"A wild, visually engrossing journey." —Paste Magazine "A surreal, deeply personal tale." —A.V. Club "A smart and unforgettable book." —SyFy Wire Caroline Sharp gave up her humanity to gain incredible shape-shifting abilities—powers she used to save the world time and time again as the superhero Chrysalis. But as the years wore on, she began to lose control of the elemental forces coursin...
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