Алан Гарнер - автор 37 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Язык разговора, Элидор, Волшебный камень Бризингамена. Луна в канун Гомрата. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Как научиться понимать собеседника Как убедить партнера Как начать разговор Как вежливо отклонить предложение Как реагировать на критику Как говорить комплименты Метаязык, или Как читать между строк Как задавать вопросы, чтобы поддержать разговор Как начать разговор Умение слушать - ваш путь к популярности и успеху Как поддержать раз...
В "Элидоре" используется малоизвестная легенда о юноше, спасшем своих братьев и сестру из поглотившей их Черной башни. Современные дети, попав в другой мир - Элидор - побеждают силы тьмы и вызволяют из-под власти этих сил священные Сокровища, которые должны спасти мир.
В сборник популярного английского писателя Алана Гарнера вошли два романа "Волшебный камень Бризингамена" и "Луна в канун Гомрата", объединенные общими героями. Современные мальчик и девочка, попав в волшебный мир гномов, эльфов, гоблинов, средневековых рыцарей, спящих зачарованным сном, оказываются в центре столкновения сил Добра и Зла. Наряду с философской глубиной и использованием мифов и ле...
Something is scratching around in the attic above Alison's room. Yet the only thing up there is a stack of grimy old plates. Alison and her stepbrother, Roger, discover that the flowery patterns on the plates, when traced onto paper, can be fitted together to create owls-owls that disappear when no one is watching. With each vanished owl, strange events begin to happen around Alison, Roger, a...
Повесть английского писателя Алана Гарнера посвящена необыкновенным приключениям брата и сестры Колина и Сьюзен, приехавших на лето в деревушку у подножия Пеннинских гор. Таинственные, злобные существа объединились против ребят, узнав, что у них хранится волшебный камень, таящий безграничное могущество. Многие опасности им удалось преодолеть с помощью добрых гномов и мудрого волшебника.
В книгу знаменитого прозаика Алана Гарнера вошли две повести – «Камень из ожерелья Брисингов» и «Луна в канун Гомрата». Эти повести занимают почетное место рядом с «Маугли» и «Хоббитом». Недаром же Гарнер – продолжатель традиций великого Киплинга, младший друг, а в чем-то и соперник несравненного Толкина.
В сборник вошли семь замечательных сказок английских писателей XX века (Ф.Энсти, Дж.Барри, У.С.Моэма, Э.Дансени и др.) Эти сказки (в нашей стране они издавались редко, а некоторые публикуются на русском языке впервые) и сегодня популярны на своей родине в Англии.
"HERE JOHN TURNER WAS CAST AWAY IN A HEAVY SNOW STORM IN THE NIGHT IN THE YEAR 1755" "THE PRINT OF A WOMAN'S SHOE WAS FOUND BY HIS SIDE IN THE SNOW WHERE HE LAY DEAD" John Turner was a packman. With his train of horses he carried salt and silk across distances incomprehensible to his ancient and static community. He brings ideas as well as gifts that have come, by many short journeys, from...
The much-loved classic, finally in ebook.Stunning new CollinsVoyager edition of Alan Garner’s collection of folklore.Boggarts and gowks, fools and hobgoblins are only some of the strange and wonderful creatures in A Bag of Moonshine – a veritable treasure trove of stories chosen from the folklore of England and Wales.There are 22 tales in all, beautifully illustrated in black and white by prize-wi...
A disturbing exploration of the inevitability of life. Under Orion's stars, bluesilver visions torment Tom, Macey and Thomas as they struggle with age-old forces. Distanced from each other in time, and isolated from those they live among, they are yet inextricably bound together by the sacred power of the moon's axe and each seek their own refuge at Mow Cop. Can those they love so intensely keep t...
The four books which make up this volume were first published individually. "As the stories grow into one story, so one's awareness of the emblems and symbols deepens! Garner binds the reader to him and he shows us the author working with language to make his book as his characters worked with stone and iron. Not a word is wasted." - "Times Literary Supplement".
This novel opens in Cheshire in the 1790s, with William Buckley being chosen as the village's Shick-Shack - an ancient fertility figure. But when the local landowner discovers the celebrations in church, William is arrested and sentenced to transportation to New Holland.
Mary wanted to learn to read and asked her stonemason father for a book. In reply, he sent her into a cavern deep under the hills where the stone was quarried. There she found a sand-floored chamber where, in the light of her candle, she could see the marks left by breaking waves in the rock above her head and, on the wall, the figure of a bull, a stonemason's mark, and the outline of a hand ...
A collection of stories about fools drawn from American Indian, African, Irish, Gypsy, Sumatran, Flemish, and British sources.
The much-loved classic, finally in ebook. In 'The Lad of the Gad' Alan Garner has reworked five stories from the Gaelic layers of British folktale. Folk and fairy tales have not always been relegated to children, and older readers will appreciate Garner's ability to give these stories a new vitality for our time.
Почему люди делают друг другу и себе больно? Страсть, ревность, социальное неравенство, зависть, обида, страх - причин не перечесть… …Началось все летним погожим днем, со случайно найденной на чердаке тарелки, узор которой странным образом напоминал кривоватую сову. Или красивый цветочный орнамент. Тарелок много - сервиз - но стоит перерисовать на бумагу узор, как тарелка или разбивается или совы ...
The much-loved classic, finally in ebook.A disturbing exploration of the inevitability of life.Under Orion’s stars, bluesilver visions torment Tom, Macey and Thomas as they struggle with age-old forces. Distanced from each other in time, and isolated from those they live among, they are yet inextricably bound together by the sacred power of the moon’s axe and each seek their own refuge at Mow Cop....
Joseph knows that he has to be different from his grandfather, a stone mason whose work is in evidence throughout the village, and the day comes when he must announce his decision.
The much-loved classic, finally in ebook.In 'The Lad of the Gad' Alan Garner has reworked five stories from the Gaelic layers of British folktale.Folk and fairy tales have not always been relegated to children, and older readers will appreciate Garner's ability to give these stories a new vitality for our time.
Renowned storyteller Alan Garner has retrieved three stories from the timeless world of folklore that have the logic of dreams. Here are "The Fox, the Hare, and the Cock"; "The Girl and the Geese"; and "Battibeth", retold in lyrical text that is perfect for reading aloud. Full color.
A classic work of rural magic realism from one of Britain’s greatest children’s novelists.Through four interconnected fables of a way of living in rural England that has now disappeared, Alan Garner vividly brings to life a landscape situated on the outskirts of industrial Manchester.Smiths and chandlers, steeplejacks and quarrymen, labourers and artisans: they all live and work hand in hand with ...
Robert had a secret place. it was high in the steeple above the chapel clock. Father had looked after the clock as long as he'd been a smith - but now he was making horseshoes for the war. Uncle Charlie had come home from the was to help cut the corn harvest. Today was his last day of leave: it was the day that Robert learned about Uncle Charlie's real job: and the day he discovered that...