На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Марка Грэйни. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
The #1 New York Times–bestselling series is back with the most shocking revelation of all. After years of facing international threats, President Jack Ryan learns that the greatest dangers always come from within... It begins with a family dinner in Princeton, New Jersey. After months at sea, U.S. Navy Commander Scott Hagan, captain of the USS James Greer, is on leave when he is attacked by an ...
A North Korean ICBM crashes into the Sea of Japan. A veteran CIA officer is murdered in Ho Chi Minh City, and a package of forged documents goes missing. The pieces are there, but assembling the puzzle will cost Jack Ryan, Jr. and his fellow Campus agents precious time. Time they don’t have. The challenge facing President Jack Ryan is an old one with a terrifying new twist. The international ...
Mark Greaney, the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan novels, delivers another breakneck thriller following the world's deadliest assassin the Gray Man. After five years on the run Court Gentry is back on the inside at the CIA. But his first mission makes him wish he had stayed on the outs when a pair of Chinese agents try to take him down in Hong Kong. Normally the ...
In the present, a new strongman has emerged in the ever-сhaotic Russian republic - the enigmatic President Valeri Volodin. He has set a plot in motion - a plot to return Russia to its former glory. But the foundations of his personal empire are built on a bloody secret from his past. And none who now of it have lived to tell. When a family friend of Ryan's is poisoned by a radioactive live ag...
Jack Ryan riskiert alles – noch nie war der Einsatz so hoch Wieder einmal legt Bestsellerautor Tom Clancy eine mitreißende Story vor, die schon morgen Wirklichkeit werden könnte: Interne politische und wirtschaftliche Kämpfe sorgen in China dafür, dass die Führung des Landes immer mehr an Einfluss verliert. Um die eigene Macht zu untermauern, soll ein lang gehegter Wunsch in die Tat umgesetzt w...
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