На нашем сайте представлены 16 книг автора Tomoko Hayakawa. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
OUT OF THE DARKNESS Poor Kyohei is cursed . . . no, not by the devil or evil spirits. Not even by the dark, macabre Sunako, the girl he and his three pals have been trying to transform into a demure lady. Kyohei is cursed by his own good
A BEAUTIFUL MIND . . . MAYBE A fabulous foursome of gorgeous guys may live in a magnificent mansion for free, but only if they can turn Sunako, the horror-movie-obsessed, fashion-illiterate niece of the owner, into a proper lady. Oh, and did
A BACHELORETTE WITH BANGS Four gorgeous yet determined guys are still struggling to turn their reluctant, homely housemate Sunako into a proper lady. So far, the dreamy quartet have miraculously managed to cover up Sunako?s total lack
MEET THE PARENTS Sunako Nakahara and her four handsome housemates are enjoying their glamorous lifestyle at her aunt?s mansion?until Sunako?s father makes a surprise appearance. After learning that Sunako is going out with
OUT OF THE DARKNESS Poor Kyohei is cursed . . . no, not by the devil or evil spirits. Not even by the dark, macabre Sunako, the girl he and his three pals have been trying to transform into a demure lady. Kyohei is cursed by his own good
A BEAUTIFUL MIND . . . MAYBE A fabulous foursome of gorgeous guys may live in a magnificent mansion for free, but only if they can turn Sunako, the horror-movie-obsessed, fashion-illiterate niece of the owner, into a proper lady. Oh, and did
A BACHELORETTE WITH BANGS Four gorgeous yet determined guys are still struggling to turn their reluctant, homely housemate Sunako into a proper lady. So far, the dreamy quartet have miraculously managed to cover up Sunako?s total lack
MEET THE PARENTS Sunako Nakahara and her four handsome housemates are enjoying their glamorous lifestyle at her aunt?s mansion?until Sunako?s father makes a surprise appearance. After learning that Sunako is going out with
OUT OF THE DARKNESS Poor Kyohei is cursed . . . no, not by the devil or evil spirits. Not even by the dark, macabre Sunako, the girl he and his three pals have been trying to transform into a demure lady. Kyohei is cursed by his own good
A BEAUTIFUL MIND . . . MAYBE A fabulous foursome of gorgeous guys may live in a magnificent mansion for free, but only if they can turn Sunako, the horror-movie-obsessed, fashion-illiterate niece of the owner, into a proper lady. Oh, and did
A BACHELORETTE WITH BANGS Four gorgeous yet determined guys are still struggling to turn their reluctant, homely housemate Sunako into a proper lady. So far, the dreamy quartet have miraculously managed to cover up Sunako?s total lack
MEET THE PARENTS Sunako Nakahara and her four handsome housemates are enjoying their glamorous lifestyle at her aunt?s mansion?until Sunako?s father makes a surprise appearance. After learning that Sunako is going out with
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