Iain Johnstone is an English author and broadcaster. He is a biographer of Tom Cruise and Clint Eastwood.He attended Crosfields School, Reading, Campbell College, Belfast and Bristol University.Johnstone has published the books, Streep: A Life in Film a biography of Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep, the authorised biography of Tom Cruise, biographies on Dustin Hoffman and Clint Eastwood and three novels including Pirates of the Mediterranean.His twelfth book, "Close Encounters - A Media Memoi...
Iain Johnstone is an English author and broadcaster. He is a biographer of Tom Cruise and Clint Eastwood.
He attended Crosfields School, Reading, Campbell College, Belfast and Bristol University.
Johnstone has published the books, Streep: A Life in Film a biography of Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep, the authorised biography of Tom Cruise, biographies on Dustin Hoffman and Clint Eastwood and three novels including Pirates of the Mediterranean.
His twelfth book, "Close Encounters - A Media Memoir"[1] is published by Spellbinding Media.[2] The book contains insights into movie stars and celebrities of the 20th Century where Johnstone tells of his time both on set and at home with screen luminaries Stanley Kubrick, Clint Eastwood and Barbra Streisand. He documents his return to Louisville with Muhammad Ali, his journey up the Nile with Peter Cook and Stephen Fry and his time spent with Dame Edna. He also reveals how he came to write a diary with Mel Gibson and spend time with Paul Newman and Robert Redford.
He was for twelve years the film critic of The Sunday Times, and presenter of the Film 82, programme (when regular presenter Barry Norman briefly left the job). He was also its original producer, and produced other British TV programmes such as the BBC2 chat show Friday Night, Saturday Morning, The Frost Interview and ran the BBC's Watergate coverage.
He co-wrote the movie Fierce Creatures with John Cleese, and has made eight documentaries with Steven Spielberg, starting with The Jaws Report and including Steven and Stanley about Spielberg's collaboration with Stanley Kubrick. He has also made numerous other movie based documentaries about A Fish Called Wanda, Dustin Hoffman, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life,Superman and TV profiles of Muhammad Ali, Woody Allen, Jack Nicholson, Barbra Streisand, John Wayne and Marlon Brando.
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Том Круз. Романтический кинокрасавец, разбивший тысячи и тысячи женских сердец, - и самый успешный делец Голливуда последних десятилетий... Приверженец скандально известной сайентологической церкви - и великолепный актер, не боящийся самых дерзких творческих экспериментов... Но прежде всего - любимый персонаж "желтой прессы", имя которого не сходит со страниц газет и журналов. Почему репорте...
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