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Автор - Дэвид МакАйнти
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Творчество Дэвида МакАйнти

На нашем сайте представлены 9 книг автора Дэвида МакАйнти. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Пункт назначения: Обратная дорога
Пункт назначения: Обратная дорога

Действие происходит в Лос-Анджелесе. Главная героиня Пэтти Фуллер работает в модном журнале. Когда она собирается вместе со своим парнем Уиллом проехаться на двухэтажном автобусе, к девушке приходит видение, в котором автобус попадает в страшную аварию, приведшую к огромному количеству жертв. Пэтти пытается помешать людям сесть в автобус, и часть пассажиров так и не садится внутрь. Авария, о котор...

Excelis Rising
Excelis Rising

A thousand years after his first visit to the planet Artaris, the Sixth Doctor returns. As the city of Excelis spreads her Empire throughout the globe, death follows a mysterious Relic through the halls of the Imperial Museum. As the Doctor helps the Curator and the local authorities with this mystery, he finds himself crossing paths with a familiar face from Excelis' history - but no-one lives...

Mission: Impractical
Mission: Impractical

When daring criminal Jack Chance masterminds the heist of a precious national treasure from the planet Veltroch, it is the first step in a chain of events that could lead to the destruction of two civilisations. Pursued by bounty hunters, The Doctor and his shapeshifting companion Frobisher run into old acquaintances Glitz and Dibber, notorious rogues who have become involved in something big: ...

First Frontier
First Frontier

First Frontier is an original novel written by David A. McIntee and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice. It was the first attempt at reintroducing The Master into the Whoniverse for the first time since the 1989 television series, Survival. A prelude to the novel, also penned by McIntee, appeared in Doctor ...

The Dark Path
The Dark Path

"He's one of my own people, Victoria, and he's hunting me." Darkheart: a faded neutron star surrounded by dead planets. But there is life on one of these icy rocks - the last enclave of the Earth Empire, frozen in the image of another time. As the rest of the galaxy enjoys the fruits of the fledgling Federation, these isolated imperials, bound to obey a forgotten ideal, harbour a dark...

Lords of the Storm
Lords of the Storm

'They've been fighting this way for longer than man has been walking upright, and they don't take prisoners.' The war between the Sontarans and the Rutans has been raging for millennia. Billions have died and whole star systems have been obliterated in the conflict. Now, finally, one side may have victory within its grasp. The human colony world of Raghi is crucial to that ...


The Doctor pointed at Bernice. 'The wench's mind is addled,' he said. 'Arrest her before she spreads her ungodly heresy.' The TARDIS is caught in the gravitational field of a dark star. The Doctor and Bernice are forced to evacuate, and find themselves stranded in medieval France - a brutal time of crusades and wars of succession. As the Albigensian crusade draws to it...


When an empty TARDIS greets Mel, the trail leads to a decrepit asylum, guarded by armed personnel and populated by screaming inmates? with its most recent addition a mysterious patient known as the Doctor.

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