На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Amy Wallace. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Now, for the first time in a decade, The Book of Lists presents a unique collection of curious facts, unusual statistics, and the incredible stories behind them. Served up with style and humor, the lists in this book will provide you with hours of entertainment - and give you dozens of facts to spark conversations and amaze your friends. For serious fun, this new edition for The Book of Lists can&...
Creativity, Inc. is a book for managers who want to lead their employees to new heights, a manual for anyone who strives for originality, and the first-ever, all-access trip into the nerve center of Pixar Animation - into the meetings, postmortems, and "Braintrust" sessions where some of the most successful films in history are made. It is, at heart, a book about how to build a creative culture - ...
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