На нашем сайте представлены 5 книг автора Andrea Mutti. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
In this collection of five single-issue stories, citizens and soldiers – new characters and old – weather the storm of a brutal “shock and awe” bombing campaign on the DMZ. Includes a story concerning the enigmatic Wilson, the self-professed protector of Chinatown and confidant to series star Matty Roth who has always said he’d own the DMZ in the end. Now, with the U.S. poised to steamroll its wa...
The Colonial Marines join forces with the survivors of the Fire and Stone story cycle and make a fateful decision to steal the Engineer's ship. But a second Engineer has awakened, and he's on the hunt for humans! Aliens on one side, Engineers on the other, and humans in the middle!
"There is so much intrigue and awesomeness packed into the first issue that I am sincerely out-of-my-mind nerdgasming for more" - Bloody Disgusting The Engineer's ship finally makes planetfall, and the Colonial Marine stowaways find themselves on a world even more deadly than the one they left behind! The Life and Death story cycle becomes the sequel to Fire and Stone as the characters en...
At war with a god! How do you fight a god? The Colonial Marines had better come up with a plan, because the battle has already begun! ?A varicolored bloodbath."?Adventures in Poor Taste
The Kingpin of L.A. is revealed at long last, as Daken and FBI agent Donna Kiel reach the shocking end of their quest. But ever since the Heat drug ravaged Daken's mind and body, his outlook on life has been shaken up. After all this time, can Daken be redeemed?
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