Dooley Jenny - автор 87 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Grammarway 3. Pre-Intermediate. English Grammar Book, New Stars & Stripes Michigan Ecce Skills Builder, On Screen B2+ Revised Student’s Book with Digibook. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Grammarway 3 is the third book in a four-level grammar series in full colour. Designed for learners at intermediate level, the book presents and practises English grammar structures systematically. This book can used to supplement any main course at intermediate level.
New Stars & Stripes for the Michigan ECCE Book is intended for Upper-Intermediate learners taking the ECCE Michigan exam. The course follows the principles of CEFR level B2.
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor in Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Bettina Fredericks, Irene Diamond and Nina Peters (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller). We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who pilote...
Happy Hearts - трехуровневый курс английского языка для детей 3-6 лет. УМК способствует развитию коммуникативных навыков: аудирования, чтения и говорения посредством песен и игр. Умный кот Кенни сделает процесс обучения интересным и увлекательным. Красочные плакаты и постеры помогут заинтересовать ребенка, содействуя практическому подходу в обучении английскому языку, а яркие наклейки будут содейс...
I-wonder is a six-level series that teaches English alongside other school subjects and brings all the wonderful elements of the real world into the language classroom. The course has been designed to fully engage and motivate young learners and to ensure that they develop a love of learning that is never-ending!
Enterprise 4 Intermediate Workbook - это четвертая часть из четырехуровневого курса по изучению английского языка. Эта книга специально подготовлена для того, чтобы мотивировать и вовлекать студентов в эффективное изучение английского языка. Это издание содержит много важных разделов, таких как "Люди и работа", "Туристические места" и др.
Blockbuster 4 is designed for learners studying English at Intermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference, Level B1+ .
Печатный учебник со всеми упражнениями. Диск с аудиоматериалом в комплекте.
Access 3 is an English course designed exclusively for students studying English at Pre-lntermediate Level. The course follows the pinciples of the Council of Europe Common Framework of Reference Level B1.
On Screen is a series that combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.
Grammarway 1 is the first book in a four-level grammar series in full colour. Designed for learners at beginner level, the book practises and revises English grammar structures systematically and can be used to supplement any main course at beginner level.
Happy Hearts - трехуровневый курс английского языка для детей 3-6 лет. УМК способствует развитию коммуникативных навыков: аудирования, чтения и говорения посредством песен и игр. Умный кот Кенни сделает процесс обучения интересным и увлекательным. Красочные плакаты и постеры помогут заинтересовать ребенка, содействуя практическому подходу в обучении английскому языку, а яркие наклейки будут содейс...
Upstream Elementary A2 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF A2 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.
i-Wonder brings the colour and excitement of the real world into the classroom. Pupils explore different school subjects through English, learn to be critical thinkers and develop the 21st century skills that are necessary in the modern world! Wonder! Think! Discover! Cross-curricular Language Learning Captivating dialogues with engaging characters 21st Century Skills focus (critical thinking, com...
Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook Key.
Access 3 is an English course designed exclusively for students studying English at Pre-Intermediate Level. The course follows the principles of the Council of Europe Common Framework of Reference Level B1.
Учебно-методический комплекс "Fairyland" - курс английского языка для младших школьников. В УМК предусмотрена частая смена и чередование видов деятельности: выполнение учебных задач, динамических упражнений, спокойные периоды (раскрашивание, рисование, изготовление поделок в соответствии с изучаемым материалом) и смена видов речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение) в рамках одного урока. В УМ...
Grammarway is a series of four grammar books in full colour. Designed for learners of English at beginner to intermediate level, they systematically practice and revise English grammar structures. The series can be used to supplement any main course at secondary level, and is suitable for self-study or classroom use.
My Phonics provides young learners with the appropriate tools to sound out words in a fun, stress-free way! By understanding how to break down the sound of words, young learners will become both efficient readers and spellers!
New Stars & Stripes for the Michigan ECCE Book is intended for Upper-Intermediate learners taking the ECCE Michigan exam. The course follows the principles of CEFR level B2.
The book is aimed at learners of the English language at CEF level B2 preparing for the Cambridge English First FCE/FCE(fs) Examination or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty. The book consists of: - 10 complete practice tests written in the same format as the examination itself. - Further practice on Word Distractors, Open Cloze Sentences, Key Word Transformations and Word For...
Учебно-методический комплекс "On Screen" - девятиуровневый курс для изучающих английский язык (уровень A2 - С2). Учебники предлагают активное изучение английского языка через разнообразные актуальные темы. Основные особенности - Интегрированный подход к развитию навыков во всех видах речевой деятельности; - Введение и закрепление лексического материала; - Разнообразные задания на чтение, аудирован...
This is the first of a four-level English course. It consist of four modules and is specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective lesrning. The course provides systematic preparation for all the skills required for successful communication both in written and spoken form. Enterprise Grammar 1 gives studedents at Elementary level clear explanations and practice of English grammar...
Blockbuster 1 is designed for learners studying English at Beginner level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference, Level A1 (Basic User).
These books are aimed at learners of the English language at CEFR level C2 preparing for the Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE) examination ar any other examinations at the same level of difficulty. Key Features: Five (5) Listening Tests Five (5) Speaking Tests, preceded by five (5) Speaking Practice sections