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Книги Shalvis Jill

Shalvis Jill - автор 27 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Out Of The Blue, Serving up Trouble, Room Service. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Современная проза
Out Of The Blue
Out Of The Blue

HE'D GET MORE THAN A MINT ON HIS PILLOW!For Hannah Novak, running a bed-and-breakfast with her two best friends was adventure enough. But they didn't feel that way. They wanted to devote the summer to serious manhunting – loser cleans toilets! Fine for them, but Hannah was, uh…inexperienced. How could she seduce anyone?Then out of the blue came Zach Thomas, looking for a bed…and breakfast. Hannah ...

The Rancher's Surrender
The Rancher's Surrender

In the first book of New York Times best-selling author Jill Shalvis's classic series, The Heirs to the Triple M, three women practically raised as sisters discover one of them has inherited a ranch. But which one?Zoe Martin vowed not to let the Triple M ranch slip into Ty Jackson's hands. Although his smooth charm brought most women to their knees, Zoe didn't trust him. After all, he'd wanted the...

Любовный роман
Painiava dėl Tajaus
Painiava dėl Tajaus

Trijų knygų serija „Saut Vilidžo vienišės“. Antra knyga.Ar įmanoma atsispirti patraukliam architektui?Prisiekti, kad amžinai būsi vieniša, labai paprasta…Daktarės Nikolės Man gyvenime romantikai paprasčiausiai nėra vietos. Chirurgės darbas užima bemaž visą jos laiką ir ji visiškai tuo patenkinta, kol vieną dieną susipažįsta su žaviu vyru – Tajumi Ogreidžiu. Patrauklus architektas, kalbantis su gun...

Литература на английском языке
Free Fall
Free Fall

Search-and-rescue expert Logan White is no stranger to high-pressure performance. That's why this ski vacation is so important…and so hard to take. He knows he needs to unwind, but since he can't seem to do it, this holiday looks like a bust. Then he meets ski patroller Lily Harmon, who shows him precisely how sexy daring can be. She has an extreme move to beat every one of his own on the slopes, ...

Современная проза
The Street Where She Lives
The Street Where She Lives

The secure world that Rachel Wellers has carefully constructed is crumbling around her. Her sweet twelve-year-old daughter is turning into a sullen teenager before her eyes.The injuries she's just sustained in a hit-and-run accident are jeopardizing her career as a cartoonist. And worst of all, Ben Asher–the man she sent away thirteen years ago–is back, tipped off by her daughter that they need hi...

Любовный роман
Nemalonumai dėl Mako
Nemalonumai dėl Mako

Trijų knygų serija „Saut Vilidžo vienišės“. Trečia knyga.Ar verta sulaužyti visas nuostatas dėl JO?Prisiekti, kad amžinai būsi vieniša, labai paprasta…Teilorė Velington niekada niekam rimtai neįsipareigoja. Ji žino: anksčiau ar vėliau teks nusivilti santykiais ir kęsti širdies skausmą. Tačiau neturi nieko prieš trumpus ir aistringus meilės romanus. Ir nuolat į tokius įsivelia.Naujausias jos drauga...

Современная проза
The Heat Is On
The Heat Is On

Bella Manchelli’s deliciously exhausted from last night’s sizzling one-night stand, when she finds a dead body at her back door! Then that scrumptious stranger from last night is at her front door… and he’s wearing a badge.Police Officer Jacob Madden is all about duty. Can duty and smoking-hot sex blend for a while? Definitely! Until Jacob discovers that guys Bella dates turn up dead…

Современная проза
A Royal Mess: A Royal Mess / Her Knight To Remember
A Royal Mess: A Royal Mess / Her Knight To Remember

Two feisty princesses, two hesitant heroes and a world turned upside down!A Royal Mess by Jill ShalvisFirst she's bumped from first class to coach, then she's robbed, gets soaked in a rainstorm and now is stranded on a ranch full of animals she's afraid of…. As far as days go, Princess Natalia Brunner has definitely had better ones! If not for the timely rescue by a good-looking cowboy, she would ...

Современная проза
Naughty, But Nice
Naughty, But Nice

Cassie Tremaine Montgomery: The stunning lingerie model with a tough-as-nails attitude and a sheriff in her sights. Sean «Tag» Taggart: The sexy-as-sin sheriff who is more than willing to play Cassie's game…his way. Cassie intends to use all the seductive powers she has to entice Tag as part of her revenge on her hometown. Tag, however, isn't cooperating.He's more than willing to set the sheets on...

Современная проза
Who's the Boss? & Her Perfect Stranger: Who's The Boss? / Her Perfect Stranger
Who's the Boss? & Her Perfect Stranger: Who's The Boss? / Her Perfect Stranger

In these two fan-favorite stories from New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis, there's more happening in the office than just work!Who's the Boss?Having inherited nothing but a stack of bills, Caitlin Taylor is a poor little rich girl. Thank goodness she's got a new job. Right away though, it's obvious she and her gorgeous boss, Joe Brownley, have very different ideas about her role! One t...

Современная проза
Shadow Hawk
Shadow Hawk

Sassy heroines and irresistible heroes embark on sizzling sexual adventures as they play the game of modern love and lust. Expect fast paced reads with plenty of steamy encounters.From captor…to seducer!Sexy government officer Conner Hawk has been set up. Now wounded and on the run, he has no choice but to take beautiful Abby Wells hostage. After all, she’s in danger, too. And if the only way to k...

Современная проза
The Detective's Undoing
The Detective's Undoing

Don't miss the conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis's classic series, The Heirs to the Triple M!Cade McKnight was a loner. A man who liked his horizons open. Then the private investigator met Delia Scanlon. The sexy spitfire drove Cade to distraction, unleashed his tightly controlled emotions and made him feel alive again. But Cade had been hired to find out whether Delia h...

Современная проза
Любовный роман
Tu manęs taip lengvai nepamirši
Tu manęs taip lengvai nepamirši

Dviejų knygų serija „Aistros liepsnose“. Antra knyga.Ugniagesys Eidanas Donelis su ugnimi kovoja pasitelkdamas šaltakraujiškumą ir ramumą. Bet vieną dieną į jo gyvenimą įsiveržia muilo operų žvaigždė Makenzė Staford, ir įsiplieskia visą apimančios liepsnos! Eidanas norėtų užlieti vandeniu tarp jų tvyrantį nenumalšinamą karštį. Bet taip tik sukeltų daugiau dūmų…Kenzė nėra rafinuota ir gležna mergin...

Литература на английском языке

THE EARTH MOVED…LITERALLY!If it hadn't been for the earthquake, Amber Riggs would never have made love to a perfect stranger. And no doubt about it, fire inspector Dax McCall was perfect! Who else could have taught her the meaning of passion at a time like that?AND NOW THE AFTERSHOCK…Still, when Amber ran into him a year later she wasn't sure how he'd react. She hadn't meant to keep the news from ...

Любовный роман
Ji varo mane iš proto
Ji varo mane iš proto

Dviejų knygų serija „Aistros liepsnose“. Pirma knyga.Zakas Tomas kiekvieną dieną rizikuoja gyvybe grumdamasis su liepsnomis. Tačiau, prie komandos prisijungus seksualiai medikei Brukei Obrajen, jis negali atsispirti žaidimui su ugnimi. Brukė yra griežta, susikausčiusi… ir be galo seksuali. Netrukus Zakui paaiškėja, kad lovoje ji išties karšta. Bet kiekvienas ugniagesys puikiai žino: kuo karštesnė ...

Современная проза

Emma Willis never saw herself as a model–especially for a sensual fantasy calendar–until she has to do a photo shoot in her twin sister's place.When Emma puts on barely-there lingerie in front of the photographer, hottie Rafe Delacantro, she feels sexy…and more uninhibited than she's ever been. Before she knows it, she's enticing him to let off a little steam with her! The minute Emma shows up, Ra...

Prašom netrukdyti
Prašom netrukdyti

[i]Sveiki atvykę į „Tylos“ viešbutį!Pažiūrėkime, kaip sekasi porai 1212 kambaryje…[/i]Televizijos prodiuserė Ema Haris mėgina pranokti pati save. Viena yra įkalbėti virtuvės šefą Džekobą Hilą dalyvauti naujajame kulinariniame televizijos šou. Visai kas kita – apsistoti erotiškame viešbutyje „Tyla“, kuriame įsikūręs jo restoranas. Ema trūks plyš privalo priversti Džekobą Hilą, kuris atrodo ir gamin...

Современная проза
Serving up Trouble
Serving up Trouble

A PRECIOUS SECOND CHANCEHardened cop Sam O'Neill knew a meddlesome woman when he saw one. He'd saved cocktail waitress Angie Rivers during a bank holdup, but he couldn't get her pretty face or the feel of her silky skin out of his head. She made him lose his focus–she softened his heart–and that put both of them knee-deep in danger, because someone wanted Angie dead.Angie was the only one who coul...

Современная проза
Rytas po to
Rytas po to

Rytas po to – bemaž toks, kokio ji ir tikėjosi…O, varge. Belos Mančeli laukia nelengva dienelė. Visų pirma ji jaučiasi maloniai nuvargusi po ką tik patirto vienos nakties nuotykio. Antra, prie užpakalinių jos namo durų (vaje!) guli negyvėlis. Trečia… na… tasai nuostabus vienos nakties meilužis stovi prie paradinio įėjimo su… kratos orderiu!

Современная проза
Room Service
Room Service

Note to Maintenance: Check the air vents and temp regulator on elevator 2A. Guest seen coming off it looking dazed and flushed. Note to Housekeeping: Refill the sensual massaging oils in the Haiku suite. Farm-girl-turned-TV-producer Em Harris is in way over her head. Trying to bag chef Jacob Hill for her new culinary show is one thing. Staying at the sex-themed hotel Hush, where his restaurant is ...

Современная проза
Tangling With Ty
Tangling With Ty

New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis brings readers book two in the sassy, sexy and fun South Village Singles series where four friends make a vow of singlehood in a hip, vibrant yet quaint suburb of Los Angeles.Can a vow to remain single stand up to an Irish accent?Dr. Nicole Mann is simply too busy for romance. Her work as a surgeon consumes her entire world and she prefers it that way...

Современная проза
Kaip išvesti jį iš proto
Kaip išvesti jį iš proto

Nacionalinės ledo ritulio lygos treneris Markas Diegas nutaria laisvą sezoną praleisti savanoriškai dirbdamas gimtajame miestelyje. Bet jam tenka nusivilti sužinojus, kad treniruočių programą koordinuos ne kas kitas, o jo vaikystės draugė – energingoji Reinė Sonders…Markas ir Reinė abu greiti įsiplieksti. Netrukus jie supranta, kad jau kuris laikas spjaudosi ne tik pykčiu, bet ir karšta aistra! Ta...

Современная проза
Time Out
Time Out

NHL coach Mark Diego’s plan to spend time volunteering in his home town goes awryWhen he learns that not only is he coaching teenaged girls, but that the programme is co-ordinated by energetic (and five-foot-two-inches of trouble) Rainey Saunders, his childhood friend – and the woman he could never stand to see dating any other guy…But when their tempers flare, Mark and Rainey discover their firew...

Long-Lost Mom
Long-Lost Mom

A classic novel of second chances and redemption from New York Times best-selling author Jill Shalvis.Single mom Jenna Loggins came from the wrong side of the tracks, but she'd vowed to give her beloved baby a better life. So ten years ago desperate Jenna fled, leaving her daughter in the care of Stone Cameron, the child's father and the son of the richest family in town.But a near-fatal car crash...