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Творчество Anne Stuart

На нашем сайте представлены 14 книг автора Anne Stuart. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".

Современная проза
Ties riba
Ties riba

Po automobilio avarijos Molė Vinters nubunda ištikta amnezijos, o išgirstos naujienos dar labiau išgąsdina – ji kaltinama žmogžudyste. Iš ligoninės Molė grįžta pas Patriką Vintersą – vyrą, su kuriuo, regis, yra susituokusi. Ji nepajėgia prisiminti Patriko, bet negali ir nusikratyti nuojautos, kad mylėjo ir troško šio vyro.Negana to, kažkas kėsinasi Molę nužudyti.Ką ji darė tą lemtingą naktį, kuri ...

Black Ice
Black Ice

Her new job was a Killer Chloe Underwood had come to Paris looking for adventure and landed up living hand-to-mouth as a children’s book translator. So when she’s offered a lucrative weekend translating at an international business conference in a remote château, she leaps at the opportunity. Then Chloe discovers her employers aren’t the boring businessmen they seem.Suddenly, she’s running for her...

Современная проза
Cold As Ice
Cold As Ice

The job was supposed to be dead easy—hand-deliver some legal papers to billionaire philanthropist Harry Van Dorn's extravagant yacht, get his signature and be done. But Manhattan lawyer Genevieve Spenser soon realizes she's in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that the publicly benevolent playboy has a sick, vicious side.As he tries to make her his plaything for the evening, eager to use and ...

Современная проза
Star Light, Star Bright
Современная проза
Shadows At Sunset
Shadows At Sunset

House of ShadowsThe house on Sunset Boulevard has witnessed everything: from the infamous murder-suicide of a ’50s starlet and her lover, to the drug-fueled commune in the ’60s, to the anguish of its present owner, Jilly Meyer, who is struggling to preserve the house and what’s left of her wounded family. Man of Shadows Coltrane is a liar, a con man and a threat to everything Jilly holds dear. He ...

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Still Lake
Still Lake

It was a dream come true.Buying a run-down farm in a beautiful Vermont town is the start of a new life for Sophie Davis. She moves her mother and half sister out of the city, hoping it will help both women sort out their lives. And for Sophie, turning Stonegate Farm into a country inn is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. She doesn't even mind that the farm was the scene of a murder twenty years...

Into The Fire
Into The Fire

A year ago Jamie learned that her beloved cousin, Nate, had been killed. Beaten to death in what police suspect was a drug deal gone wrong, he was found by his childhood friend Dillon Gaynor.Dillon had always been the baddest of the bad boys, leading Nate astray, and Jamie knows he has the answers to her questions about Nate's death. He's not about to volunteer any information, and Jamie's only ch...

Любовный роман
The Devil's Waltz
The Devil's Waltz

When you dance with the devil, you hold hands with temptation… Christian Montcalm was a practical man, if a destitute scoundrel, but his plan to bed and wed the delectable Miss Hetty Chipple would take care of that sticky wicket. However, there was a most intriguing obstacle to his success. Annelise Kempton desired nothing more than to come between this despicable rogue and the fortune (and virtue...

Любовный роман
Hidden Honor
Hidden Honor

Independent and headstrong, Elizabeth of Bredon wants only to become a nun, but her journey to the convent of St. Anne's threatens her choice.It's not the escort of holy friars who tempt her, but the man they are taking to do penance for his many sins. Elizabeth has heard whispers about Prince William's treatment of women–the king's only son is a man well schooled in deception, cruelty and murder–...

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Jäine torm
Jäine torm

Salajase palgasõdurite organisatsiooni Komitee mõjuvõimas juht Isobel Lambert on laitmatult riietuv kogenud professionaal, kes kohtub maailma ohtlikemate inimestega. Kuid Isobeli häirimatult külma pealispinna all pulbitsev vaim kummitab teda mälestustega, mis pärinevad teisest elust… elust, mis lõppes aastaid tagasi. Isobeli minevik ja olevik põrkavad kokku, kui palgasõdur, mõrvar ja maailma ohtli...

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