Джосс Уидон - автор 73 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Firefly. Великолепная девятка, Серенити. О тех, кто остался, Серенити: Лучшие времена и другие истории. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Второй роман трилогии, официально продолжающий культовый фантастический ТВ-сериал "Светлячок" - Firefly. Роман написан под контролем Джосса Уидона, создателя сериала. Джейн Кобб получает неожиданную просьбу о помощи от бывшей подруги, которую не видел много лет. Экипаж "Серенити", как всегда без работы и без гроша в кармане, отправляются на отдаленную пустынную планету Фетида. Здесь им предстоит...
Разношерстная команда "Серенити", корабля класса "Светлячок", под командованием капитана Малкольма Рейнольдса скрывается на окраине известной галактики от Альянса. Когда-то они были солдатами, одиночками или подопытными свинками. Теперь же все они - наемники, всегда готовые отправиться навстречу опасности ради крупного вознаграждения. Оставшись на мели, Рейнольдс соглашается обследовать место одно...
Создатель "Светлячка" Джосс Уидон приглашает читателя в увлекательное приключение вместе с капитаном Малкольмом Рейнольдсом и его космическими авантюристами. В этот раз им выпал особенно большой куш, и команда "Серенити" решает покончить с бесконечными скитаниями. Но, когда одного из героев похищают, космическим ковбоям придется отложить в сторону разногласия и отправиться в бой, рискуя не только...
Капитан замыслил ограбление века, которое сулит очень неплохой куш. Если получится, конечно. Если только что-нибудь вдруг не пойдёт не так... Разношёрстной команде «Серенити» выпало несколько свободных деньков, и они тратят с их с пользой, отдыхая, развлекаясь и встречаясь с давними... врагами? Мдя, весёлые каникулы получаются... Один из членов команды попал в плен и подвергается жестоким пы...
Тайна одного из наиболее полюбившихся персонажей телесериала «Светлячок» открывается в графической новелле, повествующей о жизни пастора Бука! Пастор Бук — самый загадочный член экипажа космического корабля «Серенити». Исключительно набожный человек, поклявшийся вершить только добрые дела, он не раз проявлял себя в качестве искусного бойца, когда того требовали обстоятельства. Кем же был пас...
Эта книга рассказывает о новых приключениях команды «Мстители», в которую входят величайшие герои MARVEL – Железный Человек, Тор, Капитан Америка, Халк, Чёрная Вдова и Соколиный Глаз. Вместе им уже удалось предотвратить вторжение чужой расы под названием Читаури, а теперь Мстителям предстоит встреча с искусственным интеллектом по имени Альтрон, решившим стереть человечество с лица Земли. Сумеют л...
The definitive comics collection of all things Buffy starts here. This first massive volume begins at the beginning - The Origin, a faithful adaptation of creator Joss Whedon's original screenplay for the film that started it all. The newly-chosen slayer's road to Sunnydale continues in Viva Las Buffy and Slayer, Interrupted. Next, high school, the Scoobies and an English librarian lead ...
40 томов комиксов описывают события, происходящие непосредственно после 7 сезона ТВ-сериала, когда мир наполнился истребительницами, а на месте Саннидейла осталась воронка от взрыва энергии души Спайка.
Tough times haven't ended for Mal Reynolds and his crew aboard the Serenity. When a call for help to find a missing friend takes them to an Alliance post on the Outer Rim, they encounter a new force building strength to fight the battle of the Browncoats--soon leading the crewmembers to question their individual values . . . Discovering that their friend is in Alliance custody and that an All...
Since the destruction of the Hellmouth, the Slayers - newly legion - have gotten organized and are kicking some serious undead butt. But not everything?s fun and firearms, as an old enemy reappears and Dawn experiences some serious growing pains?
Willow Rosenberg has worn many faces — a shy computer geek, a loyal friend, a passionate lover, a fierce Wiccan, and a dark Willow. Now in Season Eight of the critically acclaimed, award-winning Buffy comics series, Willow’s powers have grown exponentially. She can fly. Teleport. And may or may not be immortal. All we know is that Willow went on a walkabout following the demise of Sunnydale,...
Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, regroups with the writers from the hit TV show to examine the monsters who've challenged the Slayers through the ages. Kicking off the new series, Whedon teams with one of comics' hottest new stars, Catwoman artist Cameron Stewart, for a look at what happens when disaffected youth turns to vampirism. Also Drew Goddard brings us the story ...
Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and scribe of Marvel's Astonishing X-Men, unveils a previously unknown chapter in the lives of his favorite band of space brigands in this comics prequel of the Serenity feature filmothe big-budget follow-up to Whedon's cult-hit TV show Firefly. Penned by Whedon and Brett Matthews, who wrote several episodes of Firefly as well as Dark H...
Since its short-lived appearance on TV in 2002, Joss Whedon’s Firefly has indeed done the impossible. It’s sold over a half a million copies on DVD, spawned the hit movie Serenity, and most remarkably, inspired a loyal fan following — the Browncoats — whose numbers are still growing to this day. Still Flying is a brand new celebration of all aspects of the show, featuring a wealth of rare and p...
Titan's three bestselling Firefly titles -- The Illustrated Companion Volume 1 and Volume 2, and Still Flying -- are collected together at last, just in time for the 10th anniversary of Joss Whedon's beloved series. This huge, 544 page full colour volume is simply one of the most lavish books ever produced for a TV show, and is presented in a foil-stamped leather-effect binding with ...
Volume Five of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus series begins immediately after Season Three, after Sunnydale High has gone up in flames. Buffy is plagued by dreams of fellow Slayer Faith, who now lies in a coma. Jane Espenson, the celebrated writer from the Buffy TV show, writes the powerful Faith story Haunted. And as summer comes to an end, Buffy and Willow begin their first year of college...
Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, reunites with Brett Matthews, with whom he wrote the Angel comics series, and Jane Espenson, longtime writer of the TV series, as they continue this bizarre look at the lives of vampires in the world of Buffy and the Slayers. Whedon and newcomer Alex Sanchez continue their framing sequence, in which a group of young Watchers-in-training lear...
Melaka’s been keeping up the good fight. But, now that she knows the horrible truth about the vampire that’s been stalking her, can she keep it up? No matter what she does, Melaka is not going to like it. Meanwhile, she’s on the run from the thugs and the police. This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence.
The official follow-up to the critically acclaimed hit film Serenity, that sees the band of space outlaws scattered to the far ends of the universe, on the run from the Alliance From the heart of the Whedonverse comes the next chapter of Firefly! Picking up where the critically acclaimed film Serenity left off, the ‘Verse is on the brink of war, and Captain Mal and his crew are on the run from ...
The world has lost its connection to magic, and a new breed of vampires has been born—zompires! Still, there’s more trouble for Buffy the Vampire Slayer: a magic siphon is loose, student loans have to be paid, Willow goes walkabout, and Buffy finds herself pregnant while coming to terms with her relationship with Spike. Collects Buffy Season 9 Volume 1 and Volume 2.
The Slayer’s brother has led a vampire war to not only overtake Manhattan, but bring to earth a demonic dragon — but the harshest threat to Fray remains unseen and unnamed. The creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer wraps up his comics masterpiece with just the right balance of twists and turns and intense drama that you’ve come to expect from his shows, with the epic action and fantastic creature...
When Buffy is unemployed and killing fewer vampires than ever, a group of Slayer-driven special forces called Deepscan gives her hope for a more prosperous future. Meanwhile, Willow embarks on a singular journey to reclaim her identity and her magic in strange worlds where she confronts extraordinary beasts, resists magical temptations, and must discover the gateway home again. Collects the third ...
Buffy, Xander, and Willow confront new enemies—a superbeing bent on revenge, a Slayer gone rogue, and the ancient god who created vampires—in a battle that will change the shape of the world. Buffy, with a little help from her friends, rediscovers what it truly means to be a Slayer. Collects Buffy Season 9 Volumes 4 and 5.
From Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Drew Goddard, writer of the monster movie phenomenon Cloverfield, comes the horror film to end all horror films! The details of the plot are a closely guarded secret, though Joss himself has described it as “a straight-up, balls-out, really terrifying horror movie,” adding,"it is not just a slasher in the woods. It's a little more c...