Джеймс Робинсон - автор 40 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Удивительный Человек-Паук: Дела семейные, Звёздные Войны. C-3PO, Алая Ведьма. Омнибус: Путь Ведьм. Мир колдовства. Последний заговор. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
На Человека-Паука объявили охоту, и единственный человек на Земле, который может его спасти, это... его собственная сестра?! Кем на самом деле является предполагаемая родственница Паучка и как со всем этим связан Кингпин?
Эта законченная мини-история происходит между шестыми и седьмым эпизодами саги. Из неё вы узнаете, как и при каких обстоятельствах C3PO получил красную руку. Присоединяйтесь к самому обаятельному протокольному дроиду в его сольном приключении!
15 выпусков легендарной серии "Алая Ведьма"! На улицах Манхэттена, греческих островах и в ирландской глуши Ванде Максимофф предстоит сразиться с чудовищами из древних легенд и узнать правду о своей семье. Расследование приведёт её в Испанию, где Ванда найдёт церковь, в которой колдуний сжигали на кострах. Алая Ведьма встретится с призраками инквизиторов. Но ей угрожает нечто большее, чем забытые д...
With the many changes to the DC Universe during the DC Comics: The New 52 event, many readers have wondered what became of the Justice Society of America. In Earth 2, James Robinson looks to answer the question: Who are the heroes of Earth 2? • When the Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman of Earth 2 fall in battle, it’s up to a new breed of heroes to come together to combat the returning evil of ...
Действие книги начинается с того момента, когда заканчивается история "Терминатор: Буря и натиск". От группы отважных солдат во главе с полковником Мэри Рэндалл, посланных в путешествие назад во времени, чтобы остановить развитие смертоносной технологии СКАЙНЕТ, в живых осталась только Мэри... Она и ее новые друзья по несчастью должны любой ценой остановить Терминатора, запрограммированного на уби...
The Kree Empire intends to conquer the universe using an army of Norse gods! Four heroes united by their past - Captain America, Namor, the original Human Torch and the Winter Soldier - must now wage war against the Kree to save Earth! The Invaders face the Kree's ultimate hunter, Tanalth the Pursuer and take the fight straight to the Kree homeworld and the Supreme Intelligence - but how does Aark...
The Justice Society of America was the first superhero team, and this collection hearkens back to comics from the 1940s in both structure and setting. In classic superhero group story structure, the entire team gathers to hear about the latest Earth-shattering threat, then splits up to individually challenge bits of the menace, regrouping at the end to confirm the world has been saved. Set in the ...
I'll be back... И он сдержал слово. Невероятная развязка эры Первого Терминатора! 1984 год, Сара Коннор вот-вот станет матерью легендарного спасителя человечества. V чудовищной суперкомпьютерной системы СКАЙНЕТ остается единственный шанс обеспечить будущее господство машин на Земле - убить Сару прежде, чем это произойдет. Последний терминатор СКАЙНЕТ спешит на "вечеринку" в родильное отделени...
The World Army has begun rounding up the super-heros of Earth 2, but for what reason? In an attempt to avoid capture, Dr. Fate and Kid Flash find themselves in the powerful magical realm of Nabu. The protector of Nabu, Wotan, seeks Dr. Fates assistance in obtaining a secret magic locked deep within a tower that only Dr. Fate can enter.
It's a literal clash of the titans as fan-favorite writer James Robinson (STARMAN, JSA: THE GOLDEN AGE) kick-starts his Man of Steel run with a battle to end all others when Superman faces off with Atlas, the lost God of myth! When the long-missing God stakes a claim on Metropolis, it's up to Superman and his family to bring Atlas down. But who's pulling Atlas' strings? Guest-...
The classic super-hero series STARMAN, starring a Gen-X super-hero, is re-presented in high quality format.The super-heroic legacy of Starman is renewed in these stories, in which Jack Knight - antiques collector and dealer - inherits the name and powers of his father's old Starman identity from his older brother, who has been assassinated. In this volume, Jack's disturbing dreams drive ...
Book DescriptionChance Falconer, the mischievous 13 year old daughter of Lucas Falconer, acts as the mystical guardian for the city of Devil's Echo. Devil's Echo finds itself facing an all-new threat, as classic matinee monsters literally come to
A mysterious vigilante has been murdering Gotham's highest profile villains and Batman will stop at nothing to uncover the murderer's identity--even if it means having to protect some of his oldest foes.
James Robinson returns to the world of his acclaimed STARMAN series in this new graphic novel starring the antihero known as The Shade! An attack at the Starman museum kicks off a globe-hopping, centuries spanning quest that will irrevocably change The Shade's life, and ultimately shed light on his true origin! THE SHADE features art by some of comics' most acclaimed talents, includin...
Following the startling events of NEW KRYPTON, Earth finds itself without Superman. Luckily, Metropolis still has heroes like Mon-El. But after years of knowing nothing but the solitude of the Phantom Zone, how will Mon-El acclimate himself to society? And the recently returned Guardian has his hands full with his new position in the Science Police. How can they fill Superman's shoes?
Book DescriptionSome of the greatest heroes of the 1940s JSA including the original Green Lantern, Atom, Hawkman, Starman and othersreturn in this spectacular Elseworlds tale. The story follows their postwar adventures as they battle evil in a world
Writers Geoff Johns, James Robinson and Greg Rucka are joined by artists Scott Kolins, Eddy Barrows and Nicola Scott for this essential Blackest Night storyline tie-in title that features The Flash, Wonder Woman and the Justice Society of America dealing with their greatest villains and loved ones returning from the dead as evil Black Lanterns. The hardcover edition includes Blackest Night: Wonder...
Doomsday is the unstoppable force of evil that once killed the Man of Steel. He has returned to Metropolis and is targeting the other heroes and villains from the original Return of the Supermen story but there's something different about Doomsday - something even the Justice League of America might not be prepared for! Discover the shocking secret of his ultimate goal in attacking all these membe...
In this new collection of supernatural tales, Batman is first called to London to investigate a series of murders that seem to have been committed by a werewolf. Then, he must battle a pair of bioengineered soldiers-turned-killing-machines -- or die trying. And in the final story in this volume, Batman faces one of his oldest foes: Clayface!
The worlds first super-hero team returns in these stories that revamp the team for todays sophisticated comics readers. The new teamwhich includes Black Canary, Starman, Dr. Fate, the Golden Age versions of Flash and Green Lantern and many others as wellfirst gather at the funeral of the original Sandman, Wesley Dodds, only to head into action together against the Scarab and the classic DC villain...
Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror is Bongo Comics's annual horror comic. It is published around September-October, for Halloween, and takes its name from the annual "Treehouse of Horror" episodes of The Simpsons. The comics feature guest artists and writers, typically parody the conventions of modern horror stories and films, and feature distorted version of the people of Springfield, l...
Technopolis: an amazing domain of science and wonder created by the visionary genius of brothers Tony and Arno Stark. It's a real-life utopia, save for one fact: Every resident must wear armor to protect them from a deadly disease. But this near-paradise may be shattered forever when one of its few super heroes is murdered! Can Baron Tony and this domain's Thor - a hammer-wielding Jim Rh...
Marvel once again poses the question, "What If...?" What if Peter Parker had been completely consumed by his inner, bestial impulses and became more spider than man in "The Other?" What if the greatest threat in Avengers history had gone undetected in "Disassembled?" What if Wolverine, the world's deadliest killing machine, was never de-programmed in "Enemy of the State"? Professor X's secret squa...
The hits keep coming, and Fantastic Four are being torn apart at their very foundation! Will Ben be able to cope with the Original Sin that he's learned about Johnny? Will Sue and Reed lose Franklin and the rest of the Future Foundation? And will what's left of the team be able stop their headquarters from being shut down by...the Avengers?! James Robinson and Leonard Kirk conti nue their epic dec...