На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Tracey Corderoy. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Three more stories of bravery and derring-do from our favourite baker boys! In the title story, Shifty and Sam lead the way in a wacky race that has been sabotaged by the one and only Red Rocket! But they soon thwart his dastardly ways and the rightful winner takes home the prize. When a mysterious parcel is delivered to the cafe, both Shifty and Sam claim ownership. A rift grows between the boys ...
In an icy kingdom far away lived the very best of friends: Luna and Bear. When a beautiful flower pops up in the snow, Luna is delighted! But soon the flower fades, and with it, Luna's smile. Bear sets off on an adventure to find another sunshine flower, sailing the seven seas, trekking through jungles and crossing hot, sandy deserts...but will Bear ever find what he is looking for? And will Luna ...
One day, a little white owl sets off to see the world. When he meets some beautiful colourful owls he can't wait to share his toast and all his happy stories. But these pretty owls do not want to be friends with a plain, little owl like him . . .
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