На нашем сайте представлены 4 книги автора Diana Hendry. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
Little Mouse feels scared when he lies in bed. What is that huffing and puffing noise? And is that a ghost calling, ?Who who? Who who?? ?Can I come into your bed?? he asks Big Mouse. But Big Mouse does not want to share his bed and is determined that Little Mouse should sleep alone?
When Harvey Angell zaps into Ballantyre Road he brightens up Henry's life like a super-charged thunderbolt. With Harvey around, the atmosphere's electric! But despite the Connecting Kit and 'Energy Field' jargon, Henry is sure Harvey's no ordinary sparky. Musician, magician or electrician? Henry's determined to find out exactly who Harvey Angell really is and watt he actually does . . .
"What gave me a sudden shiver was the notion that there were two of me. The little sister me, who was good and mostly kind; the girl Alice and Dottie knew. And then there was this other me, the one lurking inside me, eager for danger and risk, for something that could be as wild as the sea in winter. For Natalie." Nothing ever seems to happen in the quiet, respectable seaside town of Norton. Th...
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