На нашем сайте представлены 3 книги автора Kenaz Filan. Самая популярная по мнению наших читателей "".
A guide to the practices, tools, and rituals of New Orleans Voodoo as well as the many cultural influences at its origins • Includes recipes for magical oils, instructions for candle workings, and directions to create gris-gris bags and Voodoo dolls to attract love, money, justice, and healing and for retribution • Explores the major figures of New Orleans Voodoo, including Marie Laveau and ...
An insider s view of the inner workings and prevalence of spirit possession in our modern world DRAWING DOWN THE SPIRITS presents an insider s view of the inner workings, sacred traditions, and prevalence of spirit possession existing in our modern world. Spirit possession is an integral part of shamanism as well as many neo-pagan forms of worship that draw down deities or invite spirit possessio...
For our ancestors the whole world was alive with spirits. The Gods bubbled forth from rivers and springs and whispered in the breezes that rustled through cities and farms. The ground underfoot, the stones, the fire that cooked the food and drove off the darkness, these all had spirits - not just spirits in some other dimension, but spirits in them who could be spoken to and allied with. In today&...
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